
  • About a year a go I stumbled on a conference presenting the Rust programming language, and was intrigued by it’s offerings, So I decided that probably I should pick it up and see if I can apply it to some use cases I had in mind, I only started doing it months later, and after picking the Rust book and reading it, doing some example projects, and fiddling with it using some projects I wanted to try, I decided that it’s time to give my feedback on it in this post.

Disclaimer: This post is not a Rust tutorial, it’s more of a Motivation to use Rust and What’s my opinion / experience using the language in the last couple of months, if you want some good resources on learning it, check the resources section I’ll make sure to include some useful links.

Some distinction of the rust programming language.

Rust is a Systems programming language that was created by Mozilla, it promises things such as Fearless concurrency, and Compile-time thread safety, one of the nice things about it is that although it was originaly create at Mozilla , it’s development is completely open source driven. Rust is a compiled language, with a very strong and elegant type system, it’s essentially an imperative language, but it comes with some nice functional aspects like the ones you can find in Haskell or Scala. Rust does not need any runtime, and it does not have a garbage collector (more on this later).

Compared to Go

I will try to do a quick comparison between Rust and Go since these two are the two recent languages I learned, and they are quite popular these days.

  • Go has a garbage collector which implies GC pauses.
  • Rust does not have nil (or equivalent) pointers.
  • Rust provides nicer error handling via its rich type system.
  • Safe concurrency at compile time, although Go provides easier concurrency primitives, it is easy to shoot yourself in the foot if you use them incorrectly (dead locks, concurrent modifications errors …).
  • Rust provides Zero cost abstractions and has a Stronger type system.
  • One deal breaker for me when using Go was ** Generics ** and the support for them in Rust is excellent.
  • Dependency management feels easier in Rust, With cargo you can do most of the things you can do with the Go build system, but you can also do more. …

Rust major selling points


  • It is very hard to hurt yourself using Rust, the compiler will practically fight you very hard on a lot of things that you think should work especially if you are new to the language, But if you win, your programme is guaranteed to be Safe.

Rust provides safety guarentees such as Pointer checking, thread safety … and all at compile time, So how is this done?

let a = Vec::new();
let b = a;
drop(a); // illegal b is the current owner

In the code above, the call to drop is similar to calling the destructor of a class in C++.

Rust comes with a new way of thinking about Programming in general, The Ownership model. New people trying Rust for the first time struggle a lot with understanding why certain operations are not permitted, but the gist is one should understand the two major concepts Ownership and Borrowing and most of the error messages thrown by the compiler will start making sense, but in general Rust guarantees using this model that there are no dangling pointers, nor use-after-free errors at Compile time and will complain at every possible trigger of any of these errors.

Rust took the correct choice regarding mutability, everything is immutable by default, if you want to mutate some value, you need to make sure that you explicitly mark it as mutable, and rust will ensure that there can only be a single mutable reference to a value, even across thread boundaries, which simply eliminate possible errors coming from data races when multiple threads trying to update the same value.

Generics, Algebraic data types and pattern matching

  • Generics in Rust are similar to the ones in C/C++ and look like Generics in Java but they behave differently. Let’s have a look at some code:
fn find_all<T, P>(v: Vec<T>, predicate: P) -> Vec<T>
    P: Fn(&T) -> bool,
    let mut result = Vec::new();
    for item in v {
        if predicate(&item) {

This looks familiar coming from Java or C++ but the nice thing about this is how Rust treats it, whenever we call this function with a combination of concrete types, Rust compiler will make sure that the where constraints on the types are met (in this example we require that the P type is a function that takes a reference to a T and returns a bool), but also it will compile it as a new function as if the generics were not there, (if you have a lot of generic functions with different callsites this can lead to a bigger binary, but it removes the Runtime overhead of Polymorphic callsites found in languages such as Java).

Algebraic data types are types that are made by composing other data types, these are more familiar to people coming from Haskell or some other functional language, in Rust they are heavily used to provide nicer abstractions over common behaviour, let’s look at an example.

By far one of the two most used data type in Rust are in fact algebraic datatypes, the Option and Result types, The Option type is used when an operation can compute some data and returns it, or it can’t, and therefore returns nothing, it’s defined in the standard library roughly like this:

pub enum Option {

The nice things about this + There are no NULL pointers, when a function is written like:

pub fn do_something(a: u32) -> Option  {

The caller should handle the return value as an option, thus the caller cannot forget to check if the value can be computed or not, and therefore, you get safer code at compile time. This also gives birth to some nice syntactic features, such as:

if let Some(res) = do_something(42) {
  // This will get executed if a value is returned. 
  // i.e this will not execute if the do_something function returned None.


let res = match do_something(42) {
  Some(u) => u,
  None => default_value,
// res here will always contain some value that you can work with.
  • And What’s even cooler is that the match statement is not just a syntactic sugar, Imagine writing a new Algebraic data type with 3 possible outcomes and used your match statement as shown in the example above, after a while another developer added another possible outcome to that data type, and forgot to handle it in all of the places using this type, in another language this will only surprise you at runtime, at some code path, but with Rust, your code won’t even compile, and the compiler will complain that you didn’t handle all the outcomes and that you should handle it, i.e if your match is not exhaustive your code does not compile, How cool is that. There is more to this section, You can read more in the Book linked below.

Modern tooling

I think the toolchain that comes with Rust is quite impressive, and I’ll try to explain why:

  • It’s unified: All rust crates uses the same build system Cargo. A lot of the pain of having to deal with a language with heterogenous ecosystem with a lot of build systems just goes away.

  • Cargo knows about Tests and Docs: Testing is built in into the language, and most of the crates that you will find on the internet has some form of unit tests, because it’s easy to write and integrate well with your existing code.

    /// This is a doc test
    /// ```
    /// assert_eq!(1, get_one(1));
    /// ```
    fn get_one() -> usize {
    fn test_get_one() {
      assert_eq!(1, get_one());

    Documentation is also recognized, and Cargo can generate the documentation of all your crate and link to types in the standard library with their documentation, or types from third party dependencies in a seemless manner.

    The language also supports a very cool feature, doc tests, your examples in the documentation of your crate are treated as tests, and if after some update they don’t work (breaking API change), the build fails automatically, which forces the documentation to be always up to date.

Low level code

  • Rust is a System’s programming language, This is somewhat vague, and does not mean that you can’t use it to build your next web app, but it mainly means that’s it’s suited to be deployed on machines with no dependencies, Rust does not need a Runtime, GC nor an OS for that matter, you can run Rust on embedded devices, create your own operating system, write device drivers … with all the safety guarantees that the language provides (well most of the time…).


  • Rust is a very interesting language, with a lot of potential, the community is still small (yet very active), the adoption is getting better, and I think we will see a lot more of Rust in industry in the years to come.
  • On the other hand Rust can be quite a pain to learn even if you are an experienced developer is some other language, and it’s even harder for people with no programming experience, that’s why I think other similar languages such as Go got adopted quickly,


In this section I tried to compile a bunch of links that might help when trying to learn/understand the things mentioned above, feel free to read at your own pace.